Friday, October 21, 2011

Meghan - Day 3

Today is Day 3 for our challenge and so far I have to say things have been going well. Still have not met my grain requirements each day but hopefully starting today that will change. Started the morning our with another hard boiled egg, a pear and some mint tea (which was mint that I dried from our garden). Then I was off to the Farmer's Market to meet Amy and hunt around for other sources which I had been told about. Sadly the bread producer that I had been told about by two friends was not at the market on Wednesday so Amy was not able to buy any bread but we did get to chat briefly with Wolf from Green Croft Gardens who had both oats and whole wheat flour! Hurray! I bought some oats but had to be realistic about if I was going to have the time to make anything out of the flour, so declined on that. Both of these along with buckwheat flour, rye and spelt were from Wolfgang's Grain and Flour in Enderby. We also talked to a friend a mine at the market and he told us how to make our own butter which may be very cool but we need to find some whipping cream to do that. He said you can make the butter the old fashion way by putting it in a bottle and shaking it until you see the water and the cream separate. This does require time and a strong arm so if you do not have either it can be done in a mix master as well. Just whip it up past the soft peaks and let it go until you see the water and the cream start to separate, add a bit of salt and or any herbs for flavour. As I have not come across any local whipping cream yet, still no butter but interesting to learn and would be neat to try it.

Lunch was at school on the run again before starting work. I had made up a salad with lettuce, greens from the celery, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, squash seeds and goat feta from Carmelis which I bought at the Okanagan Grocery on Gordon. I do not understand why when we get celery at other locations then from the farmer themselves that they remove the greens. I want to know what they do with it as I really enjoyed having it to put in my salad along with my lettuce and spinach. It's just like when you put the greens from the beats in your salad, so tasty but not done that often. I wish I could see more of that but I guess what this tells me is I just need to keep buying from the farmer and cut out the middle person. Snack during the day was some cheese and an Aura apple.
Homemade 100 mile veggie pizza

Dinner was late, which by the time I got home, prepped and was sitting to eat it was over an hour later. I am not complaining just that eating at 8pm is not ideal for you to sleep well. Anyway, for dinner I made up a pizza with the pizza crust that I had picked up at the Farmer's Market on Sat. On my pizza I put the tomato sauce that I canned last year (as I am still trying to use it up having done such a big batch), zucchini for my parents garden, bell peppers, spinach and mini tomatoes all from the market. Along with cheese from D Dutchman Dairy. I did it up in the oven and it smelt so good I wanted to eat the whole thing but I restrained myself so that I could have it for lunch and dinner the next day. For today, I met the fruit and veggie requirements, dairy requirements, most of the grain requirements but not any of the meat or alternative requirements.

1 comment:

  1. I have made butter the old fashioned way! It's just like he says: put the cream in a jar and shake shake shake! It's best to do this with a bunch of people so you can pass the jar around to shake it up!
